Causes, Symptoms & Remedies of Mouth Ulcers

A mouth ulcer is a reddish boil or sore occurring at the inner regions of the cheek area. It occurs due to the loss or erosion of a part of the delicate tissue that lines the mucous membrane. Mouth ulcers are quite bothersome and occasionally painful as they make simple eating and drinking seem like a task. However, they are not so serious as they subside on their own within a week or 10 days. In certain cases though, where a mouth ulcer doesn’t seem to go away on its own even after so many days, it’s time to see a doctor.

Causes of Mouth Ulcer

The most common cause of mouth ulcers is accidentally biting the insides of your cheeks while talking or chewing on something or even in your sleep. Other causes include poor oral hygiene, aphthous ulceration, reactions to certain medications, skin rashes in the mouth, viral, bacterial and fungal infections, chemicals, some systemic medical diseases and, rarely, malignancy. It could also occur due to prolonged use of removable and fixed braces. Braces need to be fitted extremely carefully by an expert orthodontist to avoid such problems. As such, Dental Sphere is one of the best orthodontist in Pune. Mouth Ulcers could also occur due to an underlying deficiency such as iron or Vitamin B. In the worst of cases, it could also be oral cancer. It is best to get yourself checked by an oral medicine specialist or a dentist in Pune.

How do you know if you have one?

While it’s quite unlikely that you would miss out on diagnosing a mouth ulcer yourself, considering it is right there, in your mouth. However, here are a few symptoms which would rectify your doubt if any.
● One or more painful sores on the inner part of the cheek
● Swollen & reddish skin around the sores
● Burning sensation while chewing or brushing
● Irritation of the sores by salty, spicy or sour foods
● Loss of appetite

Home remedies for Mouth Ulcer

● Avoid spicy and sour foods & restrict your diet to humble foods like rice and dal.
● Drink plenty of fluids & fruits such as water, coconut water, watermelon, muskmelon, etc
● Clean your mouth & rinse it every now and then with warm, slightly salted water
● Paracetamol could help relieve the pain
● Use OTC antiseptic gel for applying on the ulcers.
● When using a mouthwash, use one without alcohol containing chlorhexidine gluconate
In the end, it all comes down to a well-balanced lifestyle with healthy eating & drinking habits. For your other oral issues, visit Dental Sphere, the best Dental clinic in Pune for all your dental needs.
